
Candidates wanting to study at the FVM at SGGW must pass an exam that verifies special aptitude for studying veterinary medicine in English, hereinafter referred to as the exam of special aptitude (ESA).

The structure of ESA is as follows:

The ESA lasts 130 minutes
and consists of two parts:

The total number
of questions

To pass

Estimated time to complete the task

Part A: Competency Test = general science knowledge test (20 questions)+ logical thinking test (20 questions)


21 points

90 minutes

Part B: English Language Test
(minimum level B2)


21 points

40 minutes

Note: The ESA is considered passed if the candidate receives a minimum number of points from each part of the exam

Applies to recruitments starting from December 2023.

Sample questions testing logical thinking skills
  • Recruitment via SGGW

    The exam of special aptitude at the SGGW campus will be held on December 12, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. Building 24 auditorium 7. Those qualified in the IRK system for the exam must appear with proof of identity (ID for EU citizens or passport).

    The results of the exams will be available on the date specified in the SGGW recruitment calendar.

    Subsequent exams will be organized by IMS